Raya Cake
Raya Cake

Raya Cake



10 persons

Preparation Time

Preparation Time:

45 minutes



  1. 1. Cream QBB with castor sugar in a mixing bowl.

  2. 2. Add eggs gradually in the mixture and mix well.

  3. 3. Fold together (with a wooden spoon in the shape of 'S') sifted raising flour and baking powder, macadamia nut, chopped prune, chopped walnut and grated lemon zest.

  4. 4. Add double cream, cocoa powder and apple juice.

  5. 5. Spoon the folded mixture into a cake mould and bake for 45 minutes in a preheated oven at 160°C.

  6. 6. Cool cake and slice into half.

  7. 7. Spread the middle of the cake with jam and sandwich together.